Lookup:  Cake
Definition  (Noun) 

a sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and other ingredients (such as eggs and butter)


Full Form:

  • Place the nondominant hand in neutral space, open with the palm facing up
  • Place the dominant hand in a "claw" handshape with the palm facing down
  • Bring the "claw" to the palm of the nondominant hand
  • Lift the claw up, indicating the height of the cake

*Simplified Form:

  • Place the nondominant hand in neutral space, opem with the palm facing up
  • Pleace the dominant hand in a "C" handshape (if this handshape is too difficult, you may use a flat hand), palm in facing down
  • Bring the hand to the palm of the nondominant hand so they are touching
  • Lift the top hand up and off of the bottom hand

*shown in video

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